Family Medial Leave Act (FMLA)

Family and Medical Leave Act allows eligible employees to take job-protected leave in small increments, half or whole days blocks. This opens the door to more creative misuse and abuse of leave policies, challenging any organizations scheduling and administrative practices and negatively impact company morale in wide-reaching ways.

Your timekeeping system can act as a secret weapon to discourage wrongful FMLA leave by uncovering leave-taking patterns, easing scheduling shortfalls and simplifying leave administration to promote a positive organizational outcome.

FMLA and Types of Leave

FMLA covers three types of leave: scheduled, unscheduled and intermittent.

  • Scheduled leave is typically a solid block of time requested in advance, for instance in the case of scheduled surgery and recover time.
  • Unscheduled leave is time taken with no prior warning, such as sudden physical impairment due to a sudden illness or injury that makes it impossible for the employee to work. Generally, notice of unscheduled leave is requested after-the-fact and approved retroactively.
  • Intermittent leave is taken in separate or sporadic chunks of time in increments as small as one minute (or the smallest time increment an employer's timekeeping system will accommodate). Intermittent leave can be taken with advance notice (such as regularly occurring medical appointments) or be approved retroactively in the event no notice is given.

For more information on "Your Secret Weapon Against FMLA Abuse" contact us for a free brochure.

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